Welcome back. I am Lara Jaye, and you are listening to the Wisdom Within Podcast. And on today's episode, we are going off script, off the book to talk about my favorite subject, all about light language. And so by now, if you've been listening to the Wisdom Within This Season one is all about my newest book, the Wisdom Within: Cracking the Secrets of Meaning, Purpose, and Security. And in it I provide you with this amazing roadmap to help you unlock your own inner potential and find greater meaning and security within yourself. And before we go much further into this podcast, I want to talk about light language. What it is, it's power, the who, what, when, where, and also what it isn't. So that's what we're going to be talking about today. And if you have gotten your own copy of the Wisdom Within available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble, you may have noticed that at the end of almost every chapter there's a QR code with the QR code.
You can click on it with your smartphone and go straight to a page, a secret page on my website that has all of the meditations that go with this book, and they're all light language meditations. If light language is new for you or a new word to you, I want to tell you my story with it and what exactly it is. It is important to understand what light language is. Light language is the language of your soul. It allows you to speak to your soul and your soul to speak back to you. Your next steps become more clear, enlightened, inspired. So my story with light language is I didn't always know what it was. In my mid forties, I was very sick. I was going through a divorce after 25 years. I was very depressed, my hair was falling out. I had to sell my marketing company.
I just didn't have any energy to do anything, and my kids were making bets that year as to what Oregon mom was going to get out next. I really didn't know if I, honestly, I wasn't sure if I was going to make it or not. And one of the things that I did was park myself on my couch for what seemed about a year and began to pray and meditate like my life depended on it because honestly it did. During that time, I was introduced to a group of people and one of the persons in it as well did light language. Now, we didn't have a name for it. We actually called it Angel Speak because I didn't really know what it was. It was a form, I knew it was a form of speaking in tongues. I had heard a word or two, but never sentences or paragraphs or the hours that we would go on with the light language.
I had grown up in the Presbyterian church, attended a Methodist church, an Assembly of God church for a short time, and never did I hear it in any of those places. A couple of times I went to Joyce Meyer conferences and she always started her conferences with light language, with the speaking in tongues. Now, I never saw or heard it when I watched her on tv, but in person, she always Joyce Meyer always opened her conferences with the speaking in tongues. So the first question I get all the time is light language speaking in tongues, and I'm going to say yes, it is a form of speaking in tongues. This show about light language, it's very imperative that you use your own discernment on what resonates with you. I actually was on TikTok and only did I think about six or seven light language videos. Now, there are all kinds of people, men and women, even kids on TikTok with millions of followers doing light language.
I got kicked off after a week. Now that's hysterical to me. And of course there's no one to talk to. There's no one to ask What I did wrong, and I know I didn't do anything wrong other than my energy. My residents did not fit on TikTok. And many of the people who are on TikTok who are in some of these places channeling light language, everyone channels, different entities, different groups. Everyone who is channeling light language in the world is doing it from a different resonance. So not everyone is going to resonate with you. Please use your discernment on if anything feels off, stop it immediately because it can open up your energy field and bring in things that maybe you don't want brought in. It's very important that you know that now, just because it feels a little tingly, that is okay. Tingly is good, opening is good. Now if you feel nauseous, if you feel off, if you feel like you picked up something, those are reasons to shut it down. Whoever it is you're listening to shut it down immediately. Not everybody who channels light language is all love and light.
There are all different levels of angels. There's dark angels and there's light angels. And often the dark angels are trying to get into us. And not everyone who is channeling light language is channeling the highest and the best. Many are connected to dark angels, some are connected to other galaxies. So there's all different forms and all different levels and different resonances. It's up to you to know what feels right for you, what do you resonate with? And that is what I encourage you to listen to more of. Anything that makes you feel lighter, anything that makes you feel better. When you hear maybe my light language, if you're listening to this, if it sounds familiar in your energy, that's a good sign that, hey, I'm on the right track. I'm listening to the right light language person. When it started to come in for me, I didn't have a name for it.
I called it Angel speak. I knew it was a form of speaking in tongues. I would Google Angel speak. I couldn't find anything. I allowed myself to be hypnotized. A couple of really important things came through and number one was the term light language. And so now all of a sudden I had a label for what it was that I was channeling and that helped me to Google that. And the second thing that came through was what it was, and they showed me when I was hypnotized that the light language, my light language is the original language of our soul. Think the Tower of Babel. Before we were all disconnected, we all were able to communicate because we're coming back into oneness. Our language of oneness can return as well. Because of that, as I googled light language after that session, I found about five people in the world who did it or had information on the website about it.
At this point, there are thousands and thousands. More and more people are being awakened to it, activated to it. It's not something that you learn, it's something that you remember and that you clear your energies and that you open up to and are activated to actually have a light language academy. I ran it a couple of years ago. We're getting ready in a month to run another live one, and I will put the links down below in case you are interested in being activated to light language. The class is actually not just activation, but it's about expanding your intuition and opening up enough space in your energy field, so clearings and activations, so you actually can channel and channel the highest and the best for you and who else you're working with. So while I was going through my really rough time and the light language was coming through, memories also flooded back to me as a child. And I actually did this as a child. I spoke it and I hand wrote it as a child light language. Now I didn't know what it was at the time. It looked a little bit like Egyptian hieroglyphics. You may have children or grandchildren who speak in a funny language or do maybe paint or write similar things. They are actually communicating with the spirit realm and it's something to be encouraged, not discouraged.
I also remember precisely when I shut it down, I was about eight years old, was going through a traumatic event and I shut it down from the time I was eight until my mid forties. And then when it started flooding back, I was going through this crisis, basically this soul crisis of what is this, but understanding the power of it. And it was so familiar and I wanted it, but yet I was pushing. It was not that I was embarrassed by it, but I was trying to figure out my head and our ego all get in the way. What would people think? What am I saying? And my biggest fear was would I start blurting this out when I was in line at the grocery? So that was my biggest fear being a mom living in Midwest suburb. Would I blurt this out when I was in line at the grocery and embarrassed my kids?
So fast forward several years, I really kept this part of me very quiet. There was probably only a handful of people in our suburban area who knew I was doing it and I would work on myself with it and other people, a few others. And really just began to see the incredible healings that were taking place with myself, with others. And it came to a point where I had to start talking about it more as weird and woo woo as it was. I wanted so desperately to figure out a way to bring this out more into the world so that it was in alignment with me because this was such a part of me because it's a channeling. It's what my soul came in here to do. One of the things that my soul came in here. So I always say it was time for me to come out of the closets.
But light language is so fascinating because it doesn't speak to our heads. It bypasses our left brain, our ego, and it goes straight to our hearts. It's the language of our heart, the language of our soul. And it's not necessarily understood at the physical level. Our soul, our energy field, we soak up the words and the codes. There's codes in it that it contains, and it is truly light language. It carries light from God, from source. It carries codes and imprints straight from the heavens to all of us for our own healing and other purpose. And as I said, not everybody who's speaking light language is bringing in the same codes and imprinting. I can only speak to what I am doing myself. So when I'm working on someone, my light language is specifically designed to move stock energy, activate people to their potential. It clears and balances chakras, upgrades their DNA, it imprints healing and regenerating codes in their energy.
We repair holes, tears and auric fields. It activates them to a higher vibration, recalibrates their body and energy field quickly clears unhealthy cords to bonds, people, places, things, circumstances, and all of this, when I'm working on people, does the same thing for animals. Homes, land any space which is just fascinating. Light language is ancient. It's sacred. It is not something to take lightly yet it can be used as often as needed or desired. And I love working on clients because what it does for them, it does for me too. And just listening to light language can have a profound impact on our mood, our level of clarity, profound impact on our ability to make decisions and who doesn't need any of that clarity.
And doing so can shift a situation and give you extraordinary balance and this clarity. So quickly, some of the questions I want to answer for you, the first thing I hear is, well, who am I channeling? And again, I'm answering for me who I am channeling. Not everyone channels the same thing. It's up to you to discern who you resonate with, what you resonate with. For me, when I'm channeling, I get very grounded and also then connect to my higher self and God the creator. I clear all confusion, distraction, distortion and tricksters energies. I make sure that my heart space is open, my energy field is harmonized to open up space for whatever is wanting to come through, which something is wanting to come through right now. So I'm just going to go straight into light language for you, whatever, whoever this is for. I don't know, whoever will be listening to this in the future and then we'll come back into the show.
Light Language
So that was light language. I was planning on doing it at the end of the show for you, but it wanted to come out now and I always have full control, but there was no reason to say no. So I was like, sure, let's do this. Someone needed to hear that now and not wait till the end of the show. So when I am channeling, I want to explain to you a little bit about what's happening. And for me it's about me getting out of the way, getting my ego, getting me out of the way and allowing God to speak through me and when it is coming through. So obviously you're hearing words and they don't any sense. One of the other things I was told when I was under hypnosis was that my light language was a combination of over 60 some odd languages.
I've had several clients tell me that they've heard Spanish words or Italian words or Japanese words. I have no idea. I only know English and barely passed Spanish class in junior high and don't remember a thing from it. So I have no idea what I'm saying. I've had clients tell me that I've said their doctor's names. I have said family members names. So what comes through is coming through physically so fast I just let it come through. Now here's the really cool thing. There can be 10 people in the room. There can be a thousand people, there can be 50,000 people. It doesn't matter. I've already set the intention that only the highest and the best can come through. And what comes through is exactly what every single person needs. And it can be something completely different. And I don't have to know. I don't have to go to each person individually.
And that's one of the things I absolutely love about light language is it's not me. I get out of the way and I let God do whatever work it is that creator wants to do and give and activate and imprint in each and every single person who is listening right now or who is present in the room and what it does for other people. It does for me. It activates me as well, clears me, does all of that fun stuff. So as it's coming through, let's say I'm just with one person, working with one person, which this is very common obviously in the line of work that I do, doing a one-on-one session. So intuitive information might be coming through, they might when we're working in a different area on the body, they might, my guides creator might tell me audibly or by an impression exactly what it is that that particular language is doing.
So not always, but often it's coming in that way. It's coming in, I see here feel and know at the same time. And that is how the impression even of the light language comes in for me to see, feel here and know almost as a bundle and in different layers. It will come in through me and be sent out through my throat chakra and heart space to people in order to receive light language. If you want to use it in your own spiritual practice or be activated to it, you have to be willing to explore it to set aside the control, have a deep reverence for it. My mid forties, when I was so spiritually curious and open to this light language, it began to pour through very quickly when I was driving, it came on a lot. And as I would pass specific people or buildings that needed light, I'd be prompted by spirit to release a prayer of these light codes sent in their direction.
And I always prayed again, whatever the highest and the best and that all may be received in love. And the light codes. I will tell you, they often clear dark entities. They always impart codes of love. And at first, I used to adopt a wait and see whether the light language was going to come through or what is it needed for myself or clients and others. And if spirit had a message in light codes that wanted to come through, I allowed that of course at the time. And then I began to see that I could ask spirit to download certain light language prayers for certain situations to de-stress for focused live depression. I have on YouTube, I've got a beautiful sleep meditation, all light language, and I also have one for weight loss and resetting your body to perfect health. When I began to see how practical light language was for daily use, it just blew my mind.
I wanted to use it every day all the time and wanted to make sure that everybody knew about it and it clears energy like nothing I have ever seen before. Light language does. And I encourage you to find someone that you resonate with. Get in the presence of the light language. Let its do its magic on you. And if you feel called to it, if you want to be activated to it, then allow that to happen. Allow those transmissions to come through if that is something that you want. If you would rather just listen to it than just listen, but make sure it feels really high vibe for you. So some of the ways to actually use light language are you can bring it in to your morning meditation or your contemplation. For me, I use it each morning when I'm sitting in meditation. I will use it as my clearing and connecting.
And then I also, if later on during the day, if I feel more creative, I might sing it, dance it, paint it, hand sign it, all of it. So there are all these different ways that you can utilize it. I've seen people at art shows have just one little light code in or a giant light code, whatever they feel like in their artwork. I began using it on healing sessions for myself and other people. And these sessions facilitate such deep healing and transformation on so many different levels. It's not something to be understood intellectually, but it's a journey to be experienced and embodied. Let me say that again. Light language is not a concept to be understood intellectually. So if you think you're going to be listening to a light language session and understand it intellectually, you're not. It's meant to be experienced and embodied and felt. It is a beacon of healing, empowerment, and unity. It's a gateway to unlocking untapped potential, untapped potential, not just in yourself but also your businesses. Everything light language serves, it's a conduit for divine communication through its endocrine symbol sounds, energetic patterns. It establishes a direct link between our earthly existence and the realms of higher consciousness. And by engaging with light language daily, we open ourselves to this beautiful guidance, this wisdom and inspiration from God.
One of the most important things that it does is awaken dormant potentials and intuitive gifts. Each and every single one of us came in with everything that we need for this lifetime. And we're carrying these latent potentials and these intuitive gifts that are just waiting to be awakened. And through the regular practice of light language or listening to it, either practicing yourself or listening to it, we stimulate, we activate all these dormant aspects of ourselves unlocking these hidden potentials. It's incredible. And as we continue to attune to the subtle energies encoded in the light language, we enhance our ability to perceive and interpret just these subtle nuances of the universe. It's amazing. Bottom line, light language is a harmonizer. It brings things into energetic alignment. It helps clear and everything it comes in contact with, it helps smooth out the human experience. We all know it's just this delicate interplay between the body, the mind, the spirit, our energy field.
Yet the hustle and bustle of life, maintaining this balance is very challenging. So light language is that tool for harmonizing these different aspects of our being. It aligns our energetic and restores equilibrium on all levels. Light language helps facilitate healing, relaxation, rejuvenation. It's gentle, yet so potent and gives you that sense of wholeness, wellbeing for cultivating this inner stillness, this inner wisdom where we want to go every day. And as we let light language in, get in rhythm with the flow of it harmonize, we become more and more attuned to the present moment where the peace is, where clarity is. No matter the chaos of our day and allowing spirit to speak the language of light through me every single day has completely transformed my life. And I know thousands of others. The power pouring through the light codes is like a spark of God touching you and only you can say yes and allow that in. As I mentioned, light language is not something you learn, it's something you are activated to. And it's not just about light language. In order to be able to allow yourself to be light language, you've got to be open to expanding your intuition.
If you are interested in activating your own self to light language, it's really important to be in the vibration of it as often as possible. Listen to the light language meditations that you resonate with. Sign up for a group or a personalized light language sessions. And all of these will help catapult you to opening up your energy field to activate in your perfect timing. And just because you are in a class and ready to be activated, so you think doesn't necessarily mean that's when it's going to come through, might not come through for a month later or six months later, depending on what else it is you need to clear to be able to let in. And as I mentioned, I'm getting ready to open up a new academy August 3rd. It's not something you learn, it's something you're activated to. And it's not just about light language, it's about gaining clarity on your path, expanding your intuition. It's about energy clearing and healing and building the confidence to be able to speak light language at a moment's notice. So if you are curious about how to utilize light language in your life and business and you want more information, I am going to put the links down below. We do start August 3rd.
I do want to end this episode on light language with more light language for you. If you were open to it, it's not something that you have to even pay attention to. It can be running in the room, playing in the room even when you're not paying attention, and you can still receive the benefits to it if you were open to it. So just take a deep breath with me.
Light Language
Thank you for hanging out with me today. I hope you enjoyed this really fun episode. And if you did, please leave me a review, share this podcast with your friends. If you have any questions about what we covered, of course, large a.com. Links are below. Have a fantastic week ahead and may you always seek your wisdom within.